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LCR Endorses Two California Republicans


The Log Cabin Republicans of California has endorsed Rep. Mary Bono Mack and Rep. Tom Campbell, who are both running for positions in Congress.

Mack is running to retain her seat representing the 45th Congressional District; she is up against Democratic candidate Steve Pougnet, a gay man who is currently mayor of Palm Springs. Mack has been endorsed by the state organization of gay Republicans in the past, and she has supported hate-crimes prevention legislation, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and the Ryan White CARE Act.

Campbell is running against former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina for the Republican nomination to challenge incumbent Democratic senator Barbara Boxer in November. Campbell went on the record as opposing Proposition 8 and was part of a coalition of Republicans against that ballot measure, which reversed the state's short-lived legalization of gay marriage. Campbell is under attack from the National Organization for Marriage for his pro-gay opinion. The group is spending $300,000 on television ads that liken Campbell to Boxer on same-sex marriage.

Leonard Lanzi, chairman of the California Log Cabin Republicans, said in a statement, "Our chapters across the state will spend the months ahead working to spread the message in the LGBT community that the Republican Party does provide pro-LGBT alternatives to the rampant tax-and-spend liberalism in Washington, and will work with other Republican candidates demonstrating that a truly inclusive campaign strategy is a path to victory in June and November."

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