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Video Salute to Women in LGBT Politics


As Women's History Month came to a close Wednesday, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund released a video to celebrate the accomplishments of out women in politics.

The video features lesbian trailblazers like U.S. representative Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Houston mayor Annise Parker, Georgia state representative Simone Bell (pictured), and New York City council Speaker Christine Quinn.

"The only way to really get our voice accurately and effectively and really loudly heard is to have members of our community at the table, and to have diverse members of our community at the table," says Quinn.

According to the video, the Victory Fund endorsed 22 women for elected office in 2009, and 82% of them won.

"It's a very powerful message to have women at the table," says Baldwin. "None of us check our life experiences at the door when we walk into work. We bring those experiences with us, and those experiences inform our policy making. Without a diverse group addressing policy, we're not going to reflect America."

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