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Drones Sent to Search for Mitrice


An unmanned aerial drone is being sent out to look for Mitrice Richardson, a woman who has been missing for seven months after she was arrested last September and later and released from a Malibu, Calif., sheriff's station without a wallet, cell phone, or vehicle.

The drones have high-resolution cameras that can go deep into canyons where Richardson is believed to be. Investigators have not been able to find her despite several searches on foot and by helicopter in the canyons near Malibu, where the Malibu-Lost Hills station is located.

The drone devices were engineered by San Diego State University and have located missing people in the past, including a local teenager who went missing on February 25, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Richardson's family and girlfriend have been calling for more investigators, including help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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