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Indian Professor in Gay Sex Sting Found Dead


An Aligarh Muslim University professor reinstated last week after his suspension over a gay entrapment case was found dead in his home Wednesday in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

According to the Hindustan Times, Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras was found with "blood oozing out of his mouth." He was the chairman of the modern languages department at AMU and lived in an apartment on campus.

Last week the Allahabad High Court overturned a decision by AMU to suspend Siras after he was caught having gay sex in his campus residence in February. The encounter was videotaped.

LGBT organizations are demanding an investigation into the mysterious circumstances of the death, the Hindustan Times reports.

"We demand that the police conduct a full, fair and impartial investigation into the cause of death," said the groups in a statement. "A step in the right direction has been taken by sending his body for a post-mortem examination. The results of this examination must be made public immediately.

"That Dr Siras had to undergo the trauma, fear, harassment and humiliation in his own beloved university in what would turn out to be his last weeks is condemnable. If these events and that trauma are in any way linked to his death, then all actors involved must be held culpable."

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