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Students: Huckabee's Homophobia Was in Context

Students: Huckabee's Homophobia Was in Context


Editors at a college newspaper are firing back at former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, who says the staff took his stances on marriage equality out of context.

Huckabee was quoted last week in the College of New Jersey's student newspaper, The Perspective, as saying that civil unions are "not necessary." He also likened same-sex marriage to condoning incest and polygamy.

"You don't go ahead and accommodate every behavioral pattern that is against the ideal," he said. "That would be like saying, well, there are a lot of people who like to use drugs, so let's go ahead and accommodate those who want to use drugs. There are some people who believe in incest, so we should accommodate them. There are people who believe in polygamy, so we should accommodate them."

He also said that he would not support a repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" if he were president and that allowing gays to adopt children was an experiment.

"Children are not puppies," he said. "This is not a time to see if we can experiment and find out, 'How does this work?'"

Huckabee responded to the April 9 article by asking that the editors release an unedited tape of the conversation. According to the The Huffington Post, Huckabee said the students sensationalized his words.

However, the editors of The Perspectivepublished an editorial Tuesday defending the original article and released audio from the interview (available below). While the sequence of questions and and answers is not in complete order, the editors wrote that they wanted to post it as soon as possible "in the interest of getting this out there."
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