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Will Play in Texas Town

Will Play in Texas Town


Following a vigil and protest Tuesday evening outside the Tyler Civic Theatre in East Texas, board members decided that a production of The Laramie Project would proceed in June as scheduled, despite objections from some in the community.

According to KTLV in the video report below, "Nearly 100 Laramie supporters gathered, along with one protestor, as the board made its decision."

Last month, the theater voted unanimously to present the play by Moises Kaufman that examines how the murder of Matthew Shepard, the 21-year-old college student killed in 1998 because he was gay, affected his Wyoming town. However, board members reconsidered the decision after some in the Texas town objected to the subject matter.

The Laramie Project
will be presented at the Tyler Civic Theatre on June 17, 18 and 19.

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