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U.S. Parks Police: We Screwed Up at Protest

U.S. Parks Police: We Screwed Up at Protest


A spokesman for the U.S. Parks Police says they "screwed up" when turning away reporters at a "don't ask, don't tell" protest on Tuesday.

Sgt. David Schlosser told Politico that neither the White House nor the Secret Service ordered reporters and onlookers to back away from the demonstration where six LGBT military veterans handcuffed themselves to the fence surrounding the White House.

"We had some young officers who, when they were told to move the people back -- which we typically do when we're going to make arrests -- they moved the people back a lot further than we typically do," Schlosser said in the report. "That was a rookie, amateur error and they screwed up on that."

A higher-ranking official eventually recognized the problem and opened the access back up.

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