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Sunday DADT Rally: More Civil Disobedience? 

Sunday DADT Rally: More Civil Disobedience? 


Organizers of a Sunday "don't ask, don't tell" rally aimed at pressuring President Barack Obama to support inserting repeal language into the upcoming Defense Authorization Bill are not ruling out subsequent acts of civil disobedience, which in past weeks have included activists disrupting congressional committee meetings and uniformed soldiers handcuffing themselves to the White House gates.

Alan Bounville, a member of the activist group Queer Rising, which is organizing the Washington, D.C., event along with groups including GetEQUAL, told The Advocate, "With the way the movement is growing, what we're now seeing nationally, you never know if all that's going to be happening is just a rally."

Confirmed speakers at the rally include Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo, both who have been arrested twice in the past two months for handcuffing themselves to the White House fence.

Details of the May 2 protest are below.

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