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Glasspool Ordained by Episcopal Church 

Glasspool Ordained by Episcopal Church 


Mary Glasspool was ordained as a bishop by the Episcopal Church Saturday, making her the first openly lesbian bishop in church history.

Glasspool was ordained and consecrated in a ceremony in Long Beach, Calif., before 3,000 people. She joins Gene Robinson as the second openly gay bishop in the church.

Robinson was ordained in 2004, after which Episcopalians instituted a temporary ban on gay bishops.

That ban was lifted last summer.

"I think they've grown as a church," Glasspool told The Advocate in April. "And I'm not saying that everyone out there is going to march in the next gay pride parade -- including myself. But I think what we're fighting for is to have our own integrity, to not have one particular aspect of our personality preclude the totality of who we are as individuals."

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