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Quinn Asked About NY DP Ceremonies

Quinn Asked About NY DP Ceremonies


New York City council speaker Christine Quinn answered a tricky question about the city clerk's plan to offer "marriage-like" ceremonies for domestic partners, including same-sex couples, who cannot legally marry in New York.

A reporter posed the question Thursday to the openly gay Quinn at a press conference on an unrelated topic. He wanted to know what Quinn thought of the proposal, announced this week to little fanfare from gay corners, and whether she planned to take advantage of it with her partner.

Quinn reviewed the history of domestic partnership in the city to credit the gay public school teachers who sued for the right in the late 1980s.

"Now all of the conversation is about marriage and that's good, but I think it's really important that we remember the people who did this," she said.

However, she concluded, "to make this process for those who want it nicer is a good thing. It doesn't in any way erase the tremendous injustice and significance about marriage not being an option for LGBT people. All of that said, I want to get married," she said.

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