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Gay Activists Charged with Undermining Zimbabwe

Gay Activists Charged with Undermining Zimbabwe


More details are emerging in the case of two gay activists arrested last Friday in Zimbabwe. Ellen Chademana and Ignatius Muhambi have been charged with undermining the power of President Robert Mugabe and displaying material that criticized him for homophobia.

According to Bloomberg, which interviewed attorney Kumbirai Mafunda from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, "Police allege that Chademana and Muhambi displayed a plaque from former San Francisco mayor Willie Lewis Brown in their office in which the African-American denounces President Robert Mugabe's homophobia against gays and lesbians."

Police raided the offices of Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe on Friday in Harare and arrested the two activists, who remain in jail awaiting a court appearance. The attorney, Mafunda, plans to challenge the search because it was conducted without a warrant, reports Bloomberg.

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