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Miss. School Denies Fake Prom Charge

Miss. School Denies Fake Prom Charge


The Mississippi high school that allegedly sent lesbian student Constance McMillen to a fake prom while most of her classmates celebrated in another location denies the charge.

According to the Associated Press, "The ACLU alleged that (school district superintendent Teresa) McNeece and (attorney Michael) Floyd attended a meeting March 29 with parent organizers, where the decision was made to hold separate proms. In court documents, the school district said McNeece and Floyd did attend a meeting, but officials 'deny that the parents decided instead to hold two proms, one for the plaintiff and one for her classmates.'"

This spring, McMillen sued the Itawamba County School District over its policy that banned her from bringing a same-sex date to the April prom. The district canceled the event rather than allow her to attend with her girlfriend. A U.S. district judge ruled that the school district had violated her rights, but the judge did not force to district to hold the prom.

On April 2, McMillen attended a prom at the Fulton Country Club with a few students from Itawamba Agricultural High School. The majority of other students attended a separate prom at the Evergreen Community Center.

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