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Young Gay Republican Challenges Out R.I. Speaker

Young Gay Republican Challenges Out R.I. Speaker


Rhode Island's out speaker of the house Gordon Fox faces a challenge in the form of young gay Republican Erich Sturn, who claims inspiration from Tea Party activists.

According to Edge, "Erich Sturn, 24, is hoping to unseat Fox, who was elected to succeed state Rep. William Murphy (D-West Warwick) in February. He is a political novice, but he told EDGE he feels the time is right to throw his name into the ring due to the state's double-digit unemployment rate and dire economic conditions."

Edge reports that "Sturn wants to bring jobs back to the state, as well as reducing the number of what he described as unfunded mandates state lawmakers issue to cities and towns. He said this plan would help alleviate Rhode Islanders' property taxes. He said the rates are 'almost breaking his [father's] back right now' in Coventry."

He has been endorsed by Republicans including gubernatorial candidate John Robitaille and congressional contender Mark Zaccaria.

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