Help Driftwood Hit the Open Road
Help Driftwood Hit the Open Road

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Help Driftwood Hit the Open Road
Last year, inspired by watching the film Milk, Nathan Manske launched I'm From Driftwood, billed as an ongoing online collection of "true stories by gay people from all over." More than 400 accounts of LGBT life, including some video stories, have been submitted and posted to the site since March 2009, but the 29-year-old native of Driftwood, Texas, wanted to expand the project's reach.
This September, Manske and a small team composed of video director Marquise Lee, who is gay, and older brother Nick Manske, who is straight, plan to begin a 50-State Story Tour that will take them to big cities and distant corners for four months, all in the service of telling real-life gay American stories. Nathan Manske, a former advertising copywriter who currently lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., talked with The Advocate about preparations for the project, which include a call for grassroots and corporate support, and an openness to wherever the road takes them. (Click here to help Manske raise funds for the 50-State Tour)
The Advocate: Why take I'm From Driftwood on the road?
Nathan Manske: The whole point of the site is to help gay kids or LGBT kids not to be so alone. So far, I've had to wait for stories to come in and hope people would become more proactive and aggressive and get these in front of as many people as possible. I just wanted to get out there. I went public two and a half weeks ago with the announcement. But I've been working on and planning this for about two months.
What's the response to I'm From Driftwood been like?
I launched it in March 2009. It's been great.Towleroad posted about it and it was that first jolt of life. I had no idea it was going to work. The first story was mine, and several were my friends'. The response was exactly what I was hoping it would be. I've had a steady flow of stories. I used to post two or three a day and a video story at the end of the week. Marquise and I work on them. He lives in Philly, so sometimes I go there or sometimes he comes to New York and we film that. I want to open it up soon so people can submit things from their Web cams.
I saw Milk on a Wednesday, and that is what inspired me. I thought of the idea Thursday, morning when I was just waking up, about to go to work. I got really excited. The next day I went in and I was laid off. It was a blessing in disguise. I don't have a day job, and this is all I do now. I'm in the process of turning the site and the project into a nonprofit. Right now I'm not making any money. So the tour timing is actually kind of perfect.
Was there a demand for you to take the project on tour?
There has been a little bit of, "I wish you could. I want to do a video story, but I live in Wichita." There does seem to be a need. A secondary goal of the site is for people to have their stories heard. It's therapeutic, in a way, to share your story. People like the outlet.
Will you be documenting the tour?
The blog will be I'm From Driftwood
Road Trip or whatever we're going to end up calling it. I really want
to keep the site with stories. We're trying to make it as interactive as
possible. I don't really care where we go. I want to continue proving
that gay people are everywhere. I don't care where it takes me. I just
want to show it. The blog will be more for my voice and opinions. I try
to keep those off the sites. This will hopefully give me a way to
communicate with readers and have them determine where I should go next
and where I should stay. It's going to be pretty organic.
We are
going to be filming a documentary, or we're going to try to turn it into a
documentary. We're still working on that. We're not sure what we want
the story to be or whether we want it to be just for the website. We're
working out details of that, but there will be a documentary, and also I'm
hoping to collect stories and really get a huge diverse group and turn
it into a book.
What state are you most looking forward to
I said I have almost 400 stories, and there's till about
eight or nine states that I don't have any stories from. I thought, All right, I'm going to get all 50 states. I know that Hawaii is one, and
I think Rhode Island is one.
How are you going to prepare for
your arrival in each city or town?
We're going to have someone who is
going to call ahead about eight days before we're going to be there.
For example, if we're in Driftwood, we're going to have someone call
South Carolina or wherever and call their local media. We're going to
have events in bars and bookstores and cafes and college campuses. We're
hoping to have this growing wave of publicity. It's just perfect for
the fall semester.
How can people help?
I would love them
just to be a part of it, like e-mail me or message me through the site
and tell me where they want to go. Somebody e-mailed me this story and
said, "Whenever you're in Montana you should come to this town. There's
this lesbian biker community and it's in this tiny little town in
Montana." I'm looking for anything interesting, unique, and I'm looking for
stories and I want them to be as diverse as possible, all the different
communities and cultures. Send me suggestions.
Click here to help Manske and I'm From Driftwood with the 50-State Story Tour.