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Cambridge, Mass., Mayor Comes Out

Cambridge, Mass., Mayor Comes Out


David Maher, the mayor of Cambridge, Mass., acknowledged that he is gay during the city's annual pride brunch this past Saturday. The acknowledgment makes Maher the third openly gay mayor in a row for Cambridge.

According to the Cambridge Chronicle, "In a speech he prepared for the event, honoring all the accomplishments and milestones made toward equality within the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community, Maher acknowledged that he fits a recent trend: the past two mayors of the city have also been openly gay."

Maher, 51, has been with his partner for more than 30 years, the Chronicle reports. He took office in February.

As the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund reports, Maher follows former Cambridge mayors Ken Reeves, who was the first African-American openly gay man to serve as a mayor in the United States, and E. Denise Simmons, who became the country's first out lesbian African-American mayor.

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