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Pols Open Up About Gay Marriage

Pols Open Up About Gay Marriage


Several politicians sat down with gay rights group Freedom to Marry to discuss the inequalities that same-sex couples face in America.

The series includes conversations with Newark, N.J., mayor Cory Booker, U.S. representative Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, and U.S. senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York.

"I think it's wrong that I can marry certain Americans, Newark residents, but not marry others based upon the fact that this is a same-sex couple," Booker said of his ability to perform wedding ceremonies as mayor. "Right now the law says in New Jersey that I can't marry them, and that's ridiculous. Until I can marry people equally, I don't think I should be doing that at all."

Baldwin said she has witnessed a great deal of injustices through her life as an openly gay woman. She spoke of a binational couple who used to live in her district who had to move to Canada so they could live together legally and protected by the Canadian federal government.

Visit the Political Voices for Equality project on for the full series or watch a teaser trailer below:

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