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Tea Party Caucus Complicates GOP

Tea Party Caucus Complicates GOP

Many congressional leaders in the GOP are wary to join the Tea Party Caucus, despite the momentum behind the Tea Party movement.

Although many Republican leaders use Tea Party rallies to garner conservative support, some fear joining an official Tea Party Caucus could distance them from moderate voters or independents.

Rep. Michele Bachmann started the caucus, and many high-profile Republicans have not decided if they will join her, according to Politico.

Minority Leader John Boehner will not join the caucus, though it is his personal policy to avoid most caucuses, as a party leader. Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California and Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia both said they have not made a decision about the Tea Party Caucus.

Although the Tea Party may help some Republicans take office this November, hesitant GOP members fear the more extreme parts of the movement -- particularly those associated with racism and hate speech -- will alienate voters.

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