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Reid Makes DADT Repeal Promise to Choi

Reid Makes DADT Repeal Promise to Choi


Lt. Dan Choi gave his West Point ring to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who promised to return it when "don't ask, don't tell" is repealed, reports CBS News. The exchange took place yesterday in Las Vegas during an onstage discussion at Netroots Nation, a conference for liberal activists and bloggers. The discussion moderator gave Choi's ring to Reid as a gift from the outspoken veteran of the Iraq war. Reid said he couldn't accept it, that Choi had earned the ring. Choi walked on stage to join the majority leader. Members of the audience shouted at Reid to keep the ring until "don't ask, don't tell" is repealed.

"When the bill's signed," Reid said, "I'll keep it safely and then give it back to him."

Choi was honorably discharged from the military last week for being openly gay.

Watch video of the exchange below.

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