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Mitrice Possibly Alive in Vegas

Mitrice Possibly Alive in Vegas


Mitrice Richarson, who vanished nearly a year ago after a Malibu Sheriff's station released her in the middle of the night, might be alive and living in Las Vegas.

Sheriff's Department spokesman Steve Whitmore says the claim is "not definitive," but L.A. investigators plan to hold a joint press conference with Las Vegas authorities on Thursday to announce a joint search, and to urge her to contact them, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Whitmore stressed that if she came out, she would not be in trouble, nor would she be arrested.

Richardson's parents, family, and girlfriend have all fronted efforts to find her since she was last seen leaving the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff's Station in the early hours of Sept. 17, 2009. She had been arrested for not paying a dinner bill at Geoffrey's Restaurant, where witnesses say she had been acting erratically.

A few hours after being released, a nearby Malibu resident made a call to police after seeing her wandering aimlessly and speaking to herself.

Richardson, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, was released from the station in the predawn hours in an area she was unfamiliar with, lacking transportation, a cell phone, or money.

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