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Parker to China: Gay Rights Good for Business

Parker to China: Gay Rights Good for Business


Houston mayor Annise Parker visited Shanghai, one of China's most welcoming cities for LGBT people, on Monday and praised its open attitudes as smart business.

According to, Parker is on her first trip abroad since being elected in December, when Houston become the largest U.S. city to date to elect an openly gay mayor. The purpose of her visit to China is to encourage business links, especially new direct air carrier routes, between Houston and Shanghai.

"Leading a delegation of some 60 Houstonians to the city, Mayor Annise Parker today praised Shanghai, China as a welcoming and open to its LGBT citizens, a stance she said is good for business," reported

According to the Xinhua news agency, Parker spoke at Houston Day at the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo and said, "Shanghainese and Houstonians are similar. They care about what you do, not who you are."

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