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Activists Target Iowa Judges

Activists Target Iowa Judges


A group of antigay activists is leading the charge to unseat the three Iowa supreme court justices who ruled in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage in the state in 2009.

Common Sense PAC formed in May to encourage voters to oppose Chief Justice Marsha Ternus and justices David Baker and Michael Streit, who are up for retention votes in November, according to the Associated Press.

Also on the hunt is Bob Vander Plaats, who lost the Republican primary for governor in June against Terry Branstad. He has not said whether he would join a group like Common Sense PAC or create his own.

"I believe this election to unseat these three justices may be, if not one of the most, the most important campaign and election in our country," Vander Plaats said at a 10:30 a.m. press conference Friday in front of the Iowa State Judicial Building, according to The Des Moines Register.

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