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Conservative Resolution Condemns Prop. 8 Ruling

Conservative Resolution Condemns Prop. 8 Ruling


Congressional conservatives denounced the overturn of Proposition 8 and discussed their new resolution against the ruling.

According to Politico, Reps. Lamar Smith of Texas, Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Steve King of Iowa, and John Fleming of Louisiana spoke with reporters Tuesday about the Prop. 8 ruling.

"Legalizing an alternative form of marriage dilutes a long-standing and widely accepted standard of marriage as a union between a man and woman," said Smith, according to Politico. "We should adhere to such standards rather than undertake a massive social experiment with perhaps unknown consequences."

Smith is introducing a resolution to condemn the ruling, but it holds only symbolic value.

In the video of the press conference, King speaks about his willingness to "take whatever steps, however bold" to challenge the "irrational" ruling from U.S. district court judge Vaughn Walker.

"We can love them all, but we cannot upset the rule of law no matter what our head or our hearts tell us unless we can follow a rational basis to get there," he says.

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