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Christie Responds to Charges

Christie Responds to Charges


New Jersey governor Chris Christie responded harshly to critics who questioned whether his decision not to reappoint a state supreme court justice cowed other justices into deciding not to hear a marriage equality case.

When the high court decided not to hear the case from six same-sex couples last month, some legislators asked whether three untenured justices who voted no were intimidated by Christie's decision not to reappoint Justice John Wallace in May. Christie, a marriage equality opponent, has made clear his desire for more conservative judges, although marriage equality was not specifically at issue in the removal of Wallace.

According to The Star Ledger, when asked about the speculation Monday, Christie bristled.

"I would assume the three justices who voted not to hear the case based their decision on the interpretations of the law and the facts,'' said the Republican governor.

Christie added, "When you accuse them of putting their jobs ahead of their duty, you impugn the Judiciary when you make that kind of allegation. I am not going to participate in that. I have more respect for the Judiciary than that."

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