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Gay Groups Meet With Utah Governor

Gay Groups Meet With Utah Governor


Gay advocates met with Utah governor Gary Herbert in a private reception Tuesday.

According to the The Salt Lake Tribune, attendees included the Log Cabin Republicans, who have endorsed Herbert, as well as groups likely to lean Democratic, including Equality Utah, the Utah Pride Center, and the Human Rights Campaign. Republican officials in attendance included lieutenant governor Greg Bell, the state and Salt Lake County party chairmen, and at least two area mayors.

The reception began three years ago when former governor Jon Huntsman hosted the Log Cabin Repulicans. Unlike Huntsman, who became U.S. ambassador to China, Herbert does not support civil unions for same-sex couples or a statewide law against employment and housing discrimination.

Herbert told the crowd of 150 guests, "You're all part of the fabric of Utah," according to the Tribune.

Cameras were not allowed inside the reception, but Fox News 13 reporter Arikka Von attended the reception and said that topics included the epidemic of homelessness among LGBT youths and the recent vandalism at the Utah Pride Center.

Watch the report below.

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