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Gaga Tweets Reid, Reid Tweets Back

Gaga Tweets Reid, Reid Tweets Back


Fresh off her coup at the MTV Video Music Awards with gay service members in tow, Lady Gaga Tuesday pressed Senate majority leader Harry Reid to pass repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" as the Senate nears a possible vote next week.

"Gay Veterans were my VMA dates. Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell," Gaga tweeted Tuesday. "CALL HARRY REID to Schedule Senate Vote."

On Monday senior Democratic aides indicated Reid will likely schedule a vote on the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act, of which DADT repeal is a part, for next week, though it's unclear if Democrats have the 60 votes necessary to avoid a filibuster.

Reid tweeted back to Gaga, "There is a vote on #DADT next week. Anyone qualified to serve this country should be allowed to do so."

On Sunday Lady Gaga attended the MTV awards show with four service members: Katie Miller, a West Point cadet who resigned in August in protest of DADT; Maj. Mike Almy, an Air Force officer who was discharged in 2006 and who testified in the federal challenge to "don't ask, don't tell"; David Hall, a former U.S. Air Force staff sergeant; and Stacy Vasquez, an Army sergeant first class who was also discharged as a result of DADT.

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