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O'Donnell: Homosexuality Is a Disorder

O'Donnell: Homosexuality Is a Disorder


More information about Delaware's Republican hopeful for the the U.S. Senate seat is being revealed, like her crusade against masturbation, her lesbian sister, and now her belief that being gay is an "identity disorder."

Washington Post writer
Greg Sargent found a profile on Christine O'Donnell from Wilmington's News Journal in which she claims gay people are psychologically defective.

"People are created in God's image," she said in the interview the News Journal. "Homosexuality is an identity adopted through societal factors. It's an identity disorder."

The original article did not quote O'Donnell directly but paraphrased her beliefs. Journalist-turned-professor Victor Greto sent Sargent the quote from his interview notes. In the past she has also said that the government spends too much on AIDS and that gay people "get away with so much."

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