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Catholic League: Real Catholics for DADT

Catholic League: Real Catholics for DADT

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The president of the Catholic League issued a verbal slap to Catholics for Equality over their advocacy against the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, suggesting that people who oppose discrimination in the military cannot be recognized as legitimate Catholics.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue issued a statement Wednesday that applauded Timothy Broglio, the archbishop for military services, for a June statement that asked Catholic chaplains in the military to "never condone--even silently--homosexual behavior."

Donohue added, "On September 17, a new dissident group, Catholics for Equality, wrote a letter to the archbishop that was not only critical of his Catholic position, it reeked with smugness and arrogance: 'We are ready to help you and Catholic chaplains in the transition to full acceptance of gays and lesbians in the military and respectfully request a meeting with you. ...' So thoughtful of these malcontents to offer their help in transitioning the bishop to oppose the Catholic Church's teachings on sexuality."

According to Donohue, Archbishop Broglio should be commended for questioning in his earlier letter how Catholics for Equality can be legitimately recognized as Catholic.

"He's right," said Donohue. "While any group can slap the label Catholic on itself, bona fide Catholics are under no obligation to acknowledge it. And by bona fide, I simply mean Catholics not in open rebellion against the teachings of the Magisterium."

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