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Antigay Attack at 7-Eleven in Colorado

Antigay Attack at 7-Eleven in Colorado


A Denver man said a group of six men attacked him and his two friends early Friday morning at a 7-Eleven.

William Babcock said the attackers used antigay slurs before beating him and his friends. "My friend Tim has a severe concussion. He had to get five stitches," Babcock told KUSA-TV, which further reported, "He says his other friend is also suffering from a concussion. Babcock suffered a broken jaw in two places and is scheduled for surgery on Monday. He is currently on strong pain medication and his sister is caring for him."

Babcock, who moved to Colorado from New York in June, said he knows of two other attacks against gay men, but victims in both cases were afraid to notify the police.

Denver police are investigating the case. A 7-Eleven manager said the attack can be seen on surveillance tape, but there is no audio.

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