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Gay Detective Sues NYPD

Gay Detective Sues NYPD


A gay detective is suing the NYPD, saying that he was targeted for complaining about antigay harassment on the job including taunts like "faggot," "rat," and "meat gazer."

According to the New York Daily News, the 33-year-old detective, who filed the lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court as "John Doe," said that colleagues at the 103rd Precinct in Queens and at the Internal Affairs Bureau in Manhattan dished the harassment.

"The four-year member of the force said his grievances were ignored - and that he was later punished, slapped with departmental charges that he had his patrolman's shield duplicated," reports the Daily News.

Disciplinary hearings are scheduled for next week.

According to the Daily News, the suit also alleges that the NYPD outed officers still in the closet last year when it "revealed the names of cops attending a gay officers' conference in a message sent to every precinct."

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