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HRC to Clint McCance: Resign

HRC to Clint McCance: Resign


The Human Rights Campaign has a simple message for antigay Arkansas school board member Clint McCance: Resign immediately.

The gay rights group has taken out a full-page ad in Friday's Batesville Guard -- the local newspaper in Independence County -- calling on McCance to resign. The HRC has also launched an online action where you can write to the local school board, calling on members to demand his resignation.

HRC president Joe Solmonese sent a letter to McCance asking him to resign for the sake of the children in his community. He also sent a letter to McCance's colleagues on the school board asking them to join the tens of thousands of people across the country calling for McCance's resignation.

Earlier this week The Advocate reported that McCance had posted a message on his Facebook page encouraging "queers" and "fags" to kill themselves.

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