Kleefisch's Gay Uncle Speaks Out
Kleefisch's Gay Uncle Speaks Out

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Kleefisch's Gay Uncle Speaks Out
The uncle of the Wisconsin lieutenant governor candidate who compared
same-sex marriage to marrying a table was so upset by her statement he
gave $500 to the opposing candidate's ticket.
Chris Pfauser, a gay man and business consultant, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he doubted his niece, Rebecca Kleefisch, gave a sincere apology. The candidate has been blasted ever since a clip was rediscovered of her speaking on a Christian radio show talking about gay marriage.
"This is a slippery slope," she said in January in regard to Wisconsin expanding domestic-partnership rights for gay and lesbian couples. "In addition to that, at what point are we going to OK marrying inanimate objects? Can I marry this table, or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs? This is ridiculous."
After a nationwide media firestorm over her comments, Kleefisch apologized, saying she "never intended to sound insensitive."
Nonetheless, Pfauser gave $500 to Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, who is running on the Democratic ticket for governor. Kleefisch is the running mate of Milwaukee County executive Scott Walker, the Republican gubernatorial candidate.
Pfauser, who has been in a relationship with partner Rob Gow for 18 years, said he was once very close to his niece.
"For years, I was told and led to believe that she was in full support of my relationship," Pfauser said.