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NBC Affiliate: Will Gays Bring American Downfall?

NBC Affiliate: Will Gays Bring American Downfall?


An NBC affiliate in east Texas is the subject of protests after broadcasting a morning show segment Wednesday that asked whether the acceptance of gay people would bring about the downfall of the United States.

According to The Raw Story, the segment aired on the KETK radio show hosted by Garth Maier.

"The acceptance of homosexuality, pushed hard by the gay rights activists, will it be the fall of this country?" asked the segment, which was also broadcast on KETK-TV.

Gaier premised his segment on a report this week in the Associated Press that President Barack Obama has hired a record number of openly LGBT people into his administration. He invited callers to comment.

"Pretty soon we're going to have a gay president, and that would be the worst," said one caller. "'We the people' doesn't count anymore!"

Another caller struck a discriminatory but pragmatic tone.

"There's three times as many gays in Washington, D.C., than there is in San Francisco," he said. "If he hired a bunch of them, it's probably because that's the only ones that was there to work. If you need help, you need help."

Notably, Gaier tried to strengthen his argument of gay domination by repeatedly implying that President Obama also supports marriage equality, which he does not.

Within hours, the segment had generated outrage on a Facebook page, among other places.

Watch the clip provided by Joe.My.God.

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