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Rutgers Students in Clementi Suicide Drop Out

Rutgers Students in Clementi Suicide Drop Out


Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, the two Rutgers University students charged with invasion of privacy for broadcasting the gay encounter of classmate Tyler Clementi, who later committed suicide, have dropped out of school rather than face disciplinary hearings.

According to a CBS News/AP report, Steven Altman, the attorney for Ravi, told The Home News Tribune of East Brunswick that his client plans to attend school somewhere else. Wei's attorney, Rubin Sinins, told The Star-Ledger of Newark that his client feared for her safety.

Their withdrawal from the university means that Ravi and Wei will not face campus disciplinary hearings. But both are charged with invasion of privacy in the incident, in which Ravi captured and broadcast images of his roommate Clementi in a private encounter with another man using a secret webcam last month. Clementi later killed himself by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

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