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Pougnet Loses to Bono Mack

Pougnet Loses to Bono Mack


Steve Pougnet, the mayor of Palm Springs, lost his first congressional bid in California's 45th district to Republican incumbent Mary Bono Mack after a hard-hitting campaign.

Pougnet, who would have been the fifth openly gay representative in the next Congress, received about 40% of the vote to Bono Mack's 52%, according to the most recent numbers. Bono Mack declared victory in a statement released about 3:30 a.m. Pacific time.

"It is an honor to once again earn the confidence and support of such an overwhelming number of voters in California's 45th Congressional District," Bono Mack said. "I will fight tirelessly in Congress to rebuild our nation's economy and revive the American dream for future generations."

During the campaign Pougnet criticized Bono Mack's vote against the House "don't ask, don't tell" repeal amendment. She was endorsed by gay conservative group GOProud.

Pougnet has declined to comment on the race until more results are in, The Desert Sun reports.

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