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Cross-Stitch For Gay Youth

Cross-Stitch For Gay Youth


A cross-stitch reading "Faggot" emblazoned across the chest: not the subtlest of statements, but one Yoko Devereaux is proudly wearing.

The graphic T-shirt line, founded in 2000 by creative director Andy Salzer, has included the homespun insignia in a new capsule collection of graphic T-shirts dubbed "the gentle of men," with all proceeds to benefit The Trevor Project.

The wearable imagery is based on the work of photographer John Arsenault. "A large portion of my work is based around self portraits, which inherently includes my sexuality," Arsenault said in a statement. "If I can make the transition from gay youth to gay adult any easier for someone else, then I've succeeded."

The shirts, which retail for $35 and include such themes as "Your Ignorance Could Smother the World" and "We Are All Your Kids," are available at, with the "Faggot" shirt available at a launch party hosted by New York's BES on Thursday evening.

Click here for the collection.

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