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Out Md. Lawmakers Influence Marriage Debate

Out Md. Lawmakers Influence Marriage Debate


As the Maryland General Assembly prepares to consider the marriage equality bill, the presence of seven out lawmakers could make all the difference in passing the measure.

The Victory Fund, which endorses out LGBT candidates for elected office, reports on the presence of a record seven out state legislators in Maryland as of this year, and what their advocacy and presence means for the marriage equality bill. One first-time sponsor of the bill, Del. Eric M. Bromwell, credited out lawmakers with influencing his support, according to the Maryland Gazette.

"I would probably think that having members of the General Assembly who are very well-respected people that you work with every day, that you have relationships with, I think it makes it difficult to say to them that you don't deserve the same rights that I do. I think that might have something to do with it," he said

The senate judicial proceedings committee will hold a hearing on the marriage equality bill on Tuesday. A recent survey from the The Washington Post indicated that 20 senators, including one Republican, publicly support the bill. The measure needs 24 votes to pass the chamber before it heads to the house of delegates, likely next month.

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