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Preacher: Reinstate DADT for $159

Preacher: Reinstate DADT for $159


A former Navy chaplain is charging followers to fax members of Congress in support of DADT and a "religious freedom" bill.


Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former Navy chaplain involuntarily but honorably discharged in 2007, is charging his followers up to $159 to fax a petition to all 535 members of Congress that asks them to reinstate the "don't ask, don't tell" policy and protect religious liberty in the military.

reports on the appeals from Klingenschmitt in support of H.R. 268, a bill to protect the religious freedom of military chaplains and troops. He also wants lawmakers to reinstate the discriminatory military policy against open service.

Klingenschmitt offers Christian followers a tiered pricing structure that culminates in $159 to fax all 535 members of Congress and to benefit his Pray in Jesus Name Project.

According to The Virginian-Pilot of Norfolk, Klingenschmitt was involuntarily separated from the Navy in 2007 for disobeying an order by wearing his uniform to a press conference outside the White House where he was denouncing a Navy policy on the content of prayers. He received an honorable discharge and separation pay.

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