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Michelangelo Signorile vs. Chris Barron

Michelangelo Signorile vs. Chris Barron


GOProud chairman Christopher Barron made quite an impression on Sirius radio host Michelangelo Signorile Monday -- their brief, heated exchange ended with the radio host throwing Barron off the show.

The two were discussing GOProud's presence at the Conservative Political Action Conference, among other things, when Barron said he often doesn't appear on Signorile's radio show because of the way he's treated.

Things get off to a rocky start when Signorile asks Barron to confirm reports that GOProud will not appear at CPAC next year. Barron gets offended, saying World Net Daily should not be treated as a credible news site.

The two then get into a heated debate about liberal bloggers and their treatment of GOProud... as Signorile begins to talk over Barron, he responds, "this is why I don't do your damn show."

Listen to the exchange here.

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