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Safer in Hot Water for E-mails

Safer in Hot Water for E-mails


As members of the exclusive Century Association in New York debated whether to sever ties with a similar club in London over its exclusion of women unless they are accompanied with a man, CBS correspondent Morley Safer wondered if the change would lead to the club making similar accommodations for "nudists and transsexuals."

Safer, who is a member, said he does not believe his club should end its affiliation with the Garrick in London because of the U.K. club's prohibition on women. According to The New York Times, Safer called a female member of the Century Association "whiny," "self-pitying," and "vindictive" for suggesting the end of the alliance. He warned fellow members against the move via e-mails sent in December and January that were recently made public, in violation of Century Association rules against sharing inside information with the media.

"Disassociation with clubs that do not cater to vegans on their menus? Kosher dining rooms? Special facilities for nudists and transsexuals? Abolition of 'Centurion' to describe our members, given that the term is, according to the OED, derived from the all-male Roman army?"

Members of the Century Association voted in January to end the club's ties with the Garrick, effective March 1.

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