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Cher Might Play a Nun

Cher Might Play a Nun


Gay icon Cher is being pursued to play a Mother Superior in the new film reboot of the classic Three Stooges comedies, reports the Los Angeles Times.

Peter and Bobby Farrelly, the writers and directors behind There's Something About Mary and other raunchy comedies, have been developing the film for years. One of the main characters in the Farrelly's screenplay is a Mother Superior, whom the Stooges terrorize. The pair mentioned the role to Cher when she appeared in their 2003 comedy Stuck on You and say she agreed to appear in the film.

"Cher is just the coolest chick ever," Peter Farrelly says to the Times. "It's hard to describe. You meet a lot of celebrities in our business. We're not cowed by many of them. But Cher is bawdy, she's fun, she's cool, she's lived a life, she's got experience, she's humble. It's the humility that struck me the most. She's not really a diva."

The Times states that Cher's representative didn't respond to their request for a confirmation. Casting hasn't been announced for the three leads, though the Farrellys hope to begin filming this spring.

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