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Cantor Supports DOMA Defense

Cantor Supports DOMA Defense


House majority leader Eric Cantor said Monday that House Republicans would decide how to proceed in a defense of DOMA by week's end.

The New York Times Caucus Blog reports that Cantor would support congressional intervention in federal court battles over the Defense of Marriage Act, echoing sentiments voiced earlier that day by House speaker John Boehner.

"I'd be very surprised if the House didn't decide that they were going to defend the law," Boehner said in an interview with David Brody of CBN News. "[I]f the president won't lead, if the president won't defend DOMA[,] then you'll see the House of Representatives defend our actions in passing a bill that frankly passed overwhelmingly."

Boehner called the Justice Department announcement last week "raw politics" and indicated that the House under his leadership could appoint a special counsel to defend DOMA in federal court.

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