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16-Year-Old Arrested for Antigay BeatingĀ 

16-Year-Old Arrested for Antigay BeatingĀ 


A 16-year-old high school student from southern Indiana was arrested and is facing charges that he brutally attacked his gay classmate.

According to Indiana NBC affiliate WAVE, the student -- who isn't named in the report -- lured Silver Creek High School sophomore Rito Osorio to the bathroom during lunch by saying the two needed to talk.

"I followed him in there and when I got in there it was pretty much packed," Osorio told WAVE. "It was full of eyes just watching."

Osorio told Sellersburg, Ind., police that the boy started punching him and calling him names, leaving him with several face fractures and a broken nose.

"He had a piercing under his lip, and that had been pushed up into the maxilla bone and chipped it, so it is stuck up there and is going to have to be surgically removed," Rito's mother, Andrea, told authorities.

The student was arrested and taken to the Clark County Juvenile Detention Center.

Osorio, who is out at school, told the authorities students have been telling the attacker "that I've been talking about him, saying that he was gay or something, but I haven't been saying that."

Sellersburg police chief Russ Whelan says that's what pushed the boy over the edge.

"He was upset with the rumors that were going around the school about him that were coming from this other boy and he decided to take matters into his own hands," said Whelan.

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