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Gay Student Campaign Posters Vandalized

Gay Student Campaign Posters Vandalized


Campaign posters for Payden Adams, a gay vice presidential candidate for the student activities association at Southern Utah University, were vandalized on Sunday, the latest in a string of attacks against his campaign literature.

According to Q Salt Lake, "The vandalism started early in the campaign said SUU's Queer-Straight Alliance President Benjamin Smith. At first a few posters and fliers were shredded and taken down. But when vandalized posters were found on Sunday with the words, 'Fag' and 'Homo' written in red ink, the vandals had gone way too far, Smith said."

Campus police were notified of the incident, according to the St. George Daily Spectrum. The police chief said the vandalism could be investigated as a hate crime pending more information.

Smith of the QSA said that advertisements for National Coming Out Day also were defaced in 2009, according to the Spectrum.

Adams, who would make history as the first openly gay member of the student activities association executive council, said he was undeterred by the vandalism. Voting takes place Tuesday and Wednesday.

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