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Marriage Commercial Debuts in Rhode Island

Marriage Commercial Debuts in Rhode Island


A TV commercial urging the passage of the marriage equality bill premiered Tuesday in Rhode Island.

The 60-second commercial from the Rhode Island Marriage Coalition features couples from a variety of backgrounds talking about what marriage means to them.

"Today's roll out is the next step in a broader strategic plan aimed at raising awareness and building the wave of support necessary to achieve a legislative victory this year," said Martha Holt, Marriage Equality Rhode Island board member, in a news release from the group. "The message of the commercial, 'It's Time,' reflects a belief shared by a majority of Rhode Islanders - it's time we live up to our founding principles and make marriage equality the law for all Rhode Islanders."

The Rhode Island senate judiciary committee will hold hearings on the marriage equality bill, and proposals to ban marriage equality, on Thursday. The house judiciary committee held a hearing on the marriage equality bill last month and House Speaker Gordon Fox, who is gay, said he is pushing for a vote in his chamber.

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