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FagBug Vandalized Again

FagBug Vandalized Again


In 2007, Erin Davies's VW Beetle was vandalized when someone spray painted "Fag" and "U R Gay" on her car. She decked her Bug out in rainbow colors and started driving around to college campuses, educating students on tolerance and antigay discrimination.

Now, 47 months later, someone has defaced her car again.

While she was preparing for an appearance at SUNY Plattsburgh Tuesday, someone wrote "Faggets + Dikes Need to Die" on the driver's-side window.

"I wished I saw it happen so I could've had a chance to interview the person who did it," Davies told Vanity Fair Stick Shift blogger Brett Berk. "My project is all about documenting this type of thing and discussing people's opinions from various viewpoints."

Davies said the latest incident won't set her back -- she plans to incorporate it into her next presentation.

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