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Truth Wins Out Critiques Lisa Ling's Ex-Gay Report

Truth Wins Out Critiques Lisa Ling's Ex-Gay Report


Activist and author Wayne Besen critiques Lisa Ling's "ex-gay" movement report for inaccuracies as a result of her being misled by the leaders of Exodus International. On Our America With Lisa Ling, a new series on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), Ling produced a segment that Besen, in a video on the Truth Wins Out site, says is "factually inaccurate in several places and whitewashe[s] Exodus International's abominable record of harm and deceit."

Besen says Ling, the former cohost of The View, errs when she "portrays Exodus as a group that no longer makes false promises. She contrasts this alleged kinder and gentler Exodus with the harsher ministry of Janet Boynes... It is amazing that Ling had no idea that Boynes is listed as a referral on Exodus' website -- meaning her intolerant message offering false hope is also that of Exodus. Ling also was duped into believing that Exodus does not try to 'pray away the gay.' She obviously did not do her homework and review substantial evidence to the contrary."

Besen urges OWN to pull down the report until the factual inaccuracies have been corrected.

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