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Hundreds Protest Marriage Ban at Ind. Statehouse

Hundreds Protest Marriage Ban at Ind. Statehouse


Several hundred people rallied outside the Indiana statehouse in Indianapolis on Monday to decry a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriages and civil unions.

The Republic
reports on the rally held in advance of senate consideration of the amendment this week.

"But the speakers were also realistic, recognizing that the amendment they oppose is likely to pass this year," the Republic reports. "Republicans control the House, where the amendment has already passed, and the Senate, which is also expected to approve the measure. A Senate committee is scheduled to take up the proposal at a meeting Wednesday."

A constitutional amendment in Indiana needs to pass two separately elected legislatures, which means that even if successful this year, the measure would require another vote. A similar amendment passed the Republican-controlled house and senate in 2005, but Democrats won control of the house in 2006 and the measure did not pass again during their leadership.

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