Who Decides Sex of Intersex Babies?
Who Decides Sex of Intersex Babies?

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Who Decides Sex of Intersex Babies?
What happens when the doctors performing surgery on a baby born with ambiguous genitals get the child's sex wrong?
ABC News's Susan Donaldson James takes a look at intersex babies in the new article, "Boy or Girl and Who Decides?"
The story kicks off with Jim Bruce (pictured), who was born with XY male chromosomes but ambiguous genitals. After his birth in 1976, "Bruce's external organ and testes were surgically removed and he was raised as a girl."
But Bruce tells ABC News he spent his childhood preferring "rough and tumble" play and being attracted to girls.
Starting at 12 years old, he began taking female hormones so his body would feminize. At 18, he prepared to have a vaginoplasty -- "designed to allow me "to have sex with my husband."
But Bruce, now 34, says he knew he wasn't female, and after digging up his medical records, found out for the first time that he had been "sterilized at birth -- and no one ever told me."
According to the report, 1 of every 2,000 babies born each year are intersex. Click here to read the rest of ABC's report.