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Deli Boots Gay Couple For Kissing

Deli Boots Gay Couple For Kissing


A gay couple in Cambridge, Mass., was kicked out of a deli after sharing a brief kiss Sunday morning.

"The clerk had come from behind the counter and told us to get out, and that -- excuse my language -- he didn't 'want that [expletive] in here' is what he said to me," Harvard senior Aaron Fallon said to Fox News in Boston.

Fallon said he returned to the store the following day to ask the manager why the couple had been thrown out. The manager said it appeared that they were shoplifting, and the owner, Peter Whang, apologized for the incident.

Whang also said that his employee is not homophobic and made a mistake. Fallon said he appreciated the apology but still felt discriminated against.

"That's how it felt, and I don't think anything is going to really make that feeling go away," he said in the report.

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