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Plan to Repeal DOMA State by State

Plan to Repeal DOMA State by State


The Courage Campaign has launched a 50-state strategy to repeal the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, which is also being challenged in federal court cases and by Congress.

The plan, in conjunction with longtime activist Cleve Jones, will be managed on a grassroots level, with efforts in each of the 435 congressional districts.

"From the reddest and most homophobic, to the bluest and pro-LGBT, everyone can play a part," Courage Campaign's Adam Bink wrote in a call to action Wednesday.

The campaign is looking for local coordinators, volunteers, and donations to run their effort.

"Look, I've been in this movement a long time and I'm nearly 60 (if can you believe it)," Jones wrote in a message to supporters. "I'm not saying it's made me wise, but it's given me a lot of memories. And I've never seen anything like the sea change we've seen in the last two years. Now is the time to finish the job."

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